Prince of Wales Hospital Foundation

Give the gift of a lifetime, the impact from your legacy will continue far into the future.
The gifts in Wills that the Foundation receives allows us to focus on funding advancements in healthcare at Prince of Wales Hospital in order to deliver the best possible patient care and outcomes, accessible to all Australians.
Including a Gift in your Will is a wonderful and generous way to make a difference to many lives in the future without impacting on your life today.
Gifts in Wills have contributed to infrastructure like the Day Oncology ward in the Nelune Comprehensive Cancer Centre, life-saving medical equipment in our Emergency Department, ground-breaking research and many other vital projects making a difference for our patients every day.
Did you known that a significant source of our vital income is from generous people like you who leave a charitable gift in their Will.
One of the most important documents that you will sign in your lifetime is your Will.
Would you like to receive a copy of our Gifts in Wills handbook, which contains useful information on how to plan for your legacy and how you could have a Will written for free?
If you would like a confidential conversation on how you can leave a gift in your Will or to ask for a free copy of our Gifts in Wills Handbook, please contact our Planned Giving and In- Memory manager Veena Singh on 0400 121 158 or email [email protected].