Motor Neurone Disease SA (MNDSA)

MNDSA is the only organisation in South Australia that provides dedicated support for people living with Motor Neurone Disease (MND).
MND is a terminal illness affecting adults of all ages where the neurones controlling the muscles fail, causing disability. Symptoms of MND are different for each person. Some people need to use a wheelchair because they can’t walk anymore. Others may use a device to communicate, because their speech is affected. There is no known cure or effective treatment for MND and the average life expectancy is only 27 months from diagnosis.
A diagnosis of MND presents many challenges. It is a confronting time and there is a great and urgent need for support, information, education and, as the disease progresses, equipment. Although there is currently no cure, a great deal can be done to maintain quality of life for the client.
MNDSA can assist with:
- Information in person, online, over the phone and in printed materials to people affected by MND. We offer education sessions for clients and their carers, as well as health and community professionals, workplaces and schools to raise awareness about MND.
- Support Coordination with qualified health and community practitioners, working exclusively with people affected by MND.
- Allied Health staff including occupational therapists and allied health assistants to assess and support clients with mobility challenges.
- Equipment and assistive technology to support communication, mobility, breathing, bathroom and bedroom safety.
- Advocacy for our community
- Supporting MND Research
MNDSA rely on donations, bequests, grants and fundraising to continue our vital support, assistance and care.
Until there’s a cure, there’s care.
Karen Percival, CEO
08 8234 8448
[email protected]
ABN: 87 026 807 478
PO Box 2087, Hilton Plaza, SA, 5033