Ethiopiaid Australia

Imagine a world where all kids can go to school, where all women experience a safe and healthy birth, where girls aren’t subjected to barbaric traditional practices…
Your legacy can save and transform lives in Ethiopia, one of the poorest countries on Earth.
Since 1989, people from around the world have joined Ethiopiaid for a shared mission: for an Ethiopia free from poverty in which every person has access to quality education, healthcare and a life of dignity.
By leaving a gift in your Will to Ethiopiaid, you can make a real and lasting difference in the lives of children, families and communities across Ethiopia.
Your legacy can create a world where every person has the chance for an education; so important in a country where only 39% of people can read and write.
Your legacy can create a world where every woman can give birth safely, without risk of developing life-shattering obstetric fistula which 3,500 women will develop in Ethiopia each year.
Your legacy can create a world where girls can grow up safely, instead of facing dangerous female genital mutilation before their 1st birthday and then being married off before they reach their teens.
By leaving a gift in your Will to Ethiopiaid, you’ll be powering local, community projects on-the-ground in Ethiopia that provide the education and healthcare that’s needed to save and transform lives.
For more information or a confidential discussion about leaving a gift in your Will to Ethiopiaid, please contact CEO Sharon Elliott on (03) 9093 8056 or [email protected].
Thank you for your care and compassion towards people in need in Ethiopia.
Sharon Elliott
Ph: (03) 9093 8056
E: [email protected]
ABN: 74 125 947 499
PO Box 6191, Melbourne VIC 3004