Cancer Council Victoria

In Victoria, every 15 minutes someone hears the words ‘you have cancer’. That is 95 families shattered by a cancer diagnosis every day of the year.
Cancer Council works hard every day for the more than 260,000 Victorians living with cancer and their loved ones.
Since 1936 we have developed an international reputation for our innovative work in cancer research, prevention and support.
We play a leading role in reducing the impact of all cancers on all people. We work towards our mission to prevent cancer, empower people, and save lives by:
– Conducting and funding high-quality cancer research to discover new prevention, detection, treatment, and support opportunities to improve cancer outcomes and save lives.
– Empowering people by providing equitable access to trusted information, high quality supportive care programs and optimal care to those affected by cancer and their loved ones.
– Increasing participation in cancer prevention, screening, and immunisation programs to prevent cancer and increase early detection.
– Collaborating with partners in Australia and across the world to influence policy change and reduce system inequities.
Imagine a world free from cancer. Where the heartbreak and fear that people feel following a cancer diagnosis are replaced by determination and courage.
Imagine what could happen if every Victorian left even a small gift in their Will to support cancer research, prevention and support.
Leaving a gift in your Will to Cancer Council Victoria helps us achieve a cancer free future. Imagine your impact. Imagine a future without cancer.