Barnardos Australia
At Barnardos Australia, our vision is for all children and young people to have caring families, where they can grow up safely and fulfil their potential.
Every year we work with thousands of families experiencing poverty, homelessness, violence, drugs and mental health issues to help rebuild their lives and keep their children safe from abuse and neglect.
We strive to build resilience in young people and instill children with an early love of learning and connection to culture. We give parents greater confidence in raising and nurturing their children as their first teachers.
We remain committed to giving a voice to children in a world where they often go unheard. Our research, knowledge and expertise keeps us at the forefront of advocating for social change and raising awareness of issues that impact children’s rights to a safe childhood.
Kingsley Edwards, Bequests Manager
02 9218 2311
[email protected]
ABN: 180 685 579 06
60-64 Bay Street, Ultimo NSW 2007