Wesley Mission

With your generous support, Wesley Mission provides real, practical action that puts people first.

Together, we’re helping individuals and communities thrive by walking alongside them as they set and achieve goals for the future—no matter how big or small.

We reach all faces of Australia—from children, families, and the elderly, to those struggling with homelessness, addiction, mental health, financial or family challenges.

How do we do it? With the compassion and commitment of more than 2,000 staff, over 6,000 volunteers and donors like you. At the heart of it all is our Christian faith, which continues to guide everything we do.

Making a gift in your Will can be the most profound gift you give. Gifts in Wills may provide the extra funds necessary to establish, maintain or expand an important facility or service. Big and small, they all count. One such donor is Mark, who has left a gift in his Will to Wesley Mission which he believes will leave a lasting and worthwhile legacy.

One area of Wesley Mission’s work that Mark has been particularly interested in is Wesley Mission’s David Morgan Centre, a supported employment facility opened in 1973 to provide opportunities for people with disability.

“I was privileged to personally visit the David Morgan Centre and see first-hand the loving, caring environment in which they provide work for people with disability,” Mark said of his visit where he was able to meet several workers.

“I have seen and experienced the care and dedication of the Wesley Mission staff and I am certain that leaving a gift in my Will to Wesley Mission is the right thing to do,” Mark said.

Wesley Mission has always been passionate about helping people in big ways and small, and we look forward to partnering with you to ‘Do all the good you can’ today … and for years to come.

Click here to learn more about how you can leave a gift in your will.

Krisztina Hatala, Community Relations Officer
0437 550 913
[email protected]

ABN: 42164655145

220 Pitt Street Sydney NSW 2000 Australia